Shop | seafood | Terra Mare Prime
Yumbah Abalone

Yumbah Abalone

The Antarctic waters provide the ideal home for the Greenlip Abalone, who’s naturally buttery flavor is largely unknown in the west. Well, until now. Like a fine scallop, but better, you can count on Yumbah abalone to add a touch of delicious intrigue to any meal. Taste the Australian Ocean at home.

Seafresh Sea Cucumber

Seafresh Sea Cucumber

Australian caught wild Sea Cucumber that is considered a delicacy throughout the world due to its many health benefits. Available in dried and frozen form.

New Zealand Dried Fish Maw

New Zealand Dried Fish Maw

Premium, wild-caught fish from New Zealand. Ling is a large white fleshy eel-like ocean fish found in New Zealand’s deep cool waters and surrounding sub-Antarctic international deep sea. Delicacies of the East, from the bountiful oceans of the South.

KIN Southern Bluefin Tuna

KIN Southern Bluefin Tuna

A truly unique tasting experience is here. From the pristine icy cold waters of Port Lincoln in South Australia, is where the world's most sought after Bluefin Tuna lies. KIN Southern Bluefin Tuna; sleek and powerful in the water, yet delicate on the plate. With its pure taste and exceptional texture, Southern Bluefin Tuna has been kept a secret by renown chefs around the world. Until now.